Author: billanddonna
God’s Word Being Used
Acts Conference
We praise God for a really successful conference April 25-27. The
church here studied Acts 1-6, hearing it in Palawano for the first
time ever! Six different men taught, some teaching for the first time
in front of the group. The older kids and teens were assigned to read
the passages to the congregation before the men taught, and they did
great! Kids, teens and some adults went crazy with the memory verses
Bill assigned! It was such a blessing to see everyone encouraged and
challenged by the boldness of the Spirit-filled apostles as they
preached of the resurrection they had personally witnessed!
Ruben, a Palawano teacher and church leader from the Megkalip area
north of us (Jim Wilson discipled Ruben's dad Taya in the 80's) came
for the first two days of the conference and gave a great message on
The weekend was topped off with a baptism, only two individuals, but
both special to us. Bingbing, one of Donna's faithful workers, was
baptized, giving a clear testimony of her strong faith. And Ula, a
young adult paraplegic, was also baptized. She's the reason our tribal
church has “handicap access,” something you might not expect! And her
sweet spirit is always so uplifting (she also memorized the most
number of verses, by the way.) Her wheelchair was carried down the
trail and placed in a few feet of water (her first time to ever be in
the river, she said), and the men baptized her.
This past week we finished the revision and rechecking of Acts 7-28.
Now we can do some editing and print books for the church!
Continue to pray for some issues within the church here. A couple of
individuals are nursing hurt feelings and it's hurting themselves and
affecting others, too. Basically the church is split down the line
between two family groups who are on the opposites of a struggling
marriage. Bill has counseled the couple, and various family members.
God seems to be working, but the enemy is looking for more chances to
destroy unity.
Stones, Flu and Translation
Health and Ministry Updates…
In February, we had a THIRD blasting procedure done on Bill's kidney
stones. But once again there was no apparent result. Please pray that
the stones will either pass on their own (and without too much pain or
requiring an emergency flight out of the tribe) or that they will
simply “stay put” and let us get on with life! We've had about enough
of doctor appointments, procedures and all the delays involved with
Also, the tests to determine the cause of the stones produced mixed
results and the doctors' final conclusion is that it is NOT related to
overactive parathyroid, so there is no surgery on the horizon.
Right now we are back in the tribe, translating Ephesians and Luke and
finalizing the book of Acts (fixing all the problems discovered during
the consultant check). We plan to have the Palawanos study Acts 1-6
during their upcoming annual conference the end of April. We trust
that the content of those challenging and exciting chapters will be a
blessing to them as they hear it in their own language for the first
time! On Sundays lately, Bill is teaching through Nehemiah and he
plans to resume his Saturday morning Bible Study soon, focusing on
training the Palawano Bible teachers.
There is a lot of sickness among the Palawanos lately. A very painful
stomach flu and a long-lasting chest flu have hit many of the small
children and babies and everyone is of course very concerned. We are
helping the clinic workers to deal with the complicated cases,
including some where pneumonia has set it. And there is always
malaria, which is very opportunistic and often strikes the children
when they are run down from other illnesses.
Meanwhile, it's been a very rainy beginning to “dry” season.
Personally, we are enjoying the more pleasant weather, but it is a
problem for the Palawanos as they are afraid they will not be able to
burn their new fields. Inadequate burning means lots of weeds, which
means a poor harvest and therefore a longer “hungry season” next year.
So pray with us that the Lord provides the weather needed to produce
food for the community.
And pray, too, that the Word of God will continue to bear a fruitful
harvest in the hearts of the Palawanos, and for us as we translate
more books in the coming months.
Yours for Reaching Palawanos,
-Bill and Donna