Translation with no Sting

Translation Update
We’re thankful that Donna and Susing finished the recording of Mark 1-10. We didn’t expect them to get it all done, but they did! Now those chapters are ready for the next step.

We recently discovered a huge nest of red and black wasps way up in a tree in our yard. This aggressive species of wasps can kill a person (or even a water buffalo!) if the swarm attacks. A couple of Filipino men with experience in getting rid of these pests at church camps came and took care of the problem! No one was hurt (well, except the wasps, sorry– the credits cannot say “No wasps were harmed in the filming of this movie.”)

What’s Next?
Now Bill will continue to draft Revelation while he processes those recordings of Mark and gets ready for the upcoming consultant check of five other books in just a few weeks.

Pray With Us
Thanks for elimination of the wasp problem safely
Prayer for clear thinking and progress in translation

Reaching Palawanos with you,

-Bill and Donna

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Davis Update June 19


Our heads are spinning: a new granddaughter, time with our grandson and kids, then straight to Singapore for two missions conferences, and now back to Palawan to dive into translation. And so many celebrations…

God blessed us by allowing us to be there for Myri’s birth. We had lots of special times with our daughters and the rest of the family, while getting to see friends and supporters and update them on our ministry.
Then, in Singapore we were absolutely overwhelmed with what God is doing there. God is stirring his church in that city to send out many missionary laborers into the Asian harvest fields in the days ahead. While there, we were also able to see three Singaporeans who had visited us on Palawan in 1987 on a short-term missions trip. We hadn’t seen any of them in 24 years!
We returned to Manila on May 31, exactly thirty years to the day since our first arrival there in 1981, when we were in our twenties with toddler Elisa in tow. As we look back on thirty years of ministry in the Philippines (and elsewhere), we can only say, “God is good.”
Now today, we celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary today. And it’s Father’s Day, as well. We are again thankful for God’s blessings on our lives as we enjoy our life together and the privilege of serving him.
We’re digging into translation as we have a consultant check coming up in July, which will cover five books: Romans, Galatians, 1-2 Timothy and 1 John. Meanwhile, this coming week Donna will be working with Palawano helper Susing, having him record the book of Mark, while Bill continues to draft Revelation, as we push toward completion of the Palawano New Testament…

  1. praise that the cholera epidemic is over
  2. thanks for 35 years of marriage
  3. good progress recording the book of Mark
  4. no electricity outages during Donna’s recording
  5. Bill as he works on Revelation

Reaching Palawanos with you,

-Bill and Donna

Bill and Donna on Facebook

Checking Romans

“So, Arnel, what does it mean when Pablo says that we ‘died with Christ’ on the cross?”

Bill is back on Palawan working with Arnel (photo) and Joseph to finish checking how well Romans is understood. Paragraph by paragraph, phrase by phrase, we check comprehension of the passage. This the final step in our translation procedure.

When this checking is done, we will email Romans, Galatians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and 1 John to the translation consultant so she can prepare for the final check in July.

We need stamina and sharpness of mind. We need wisdom. We want the book to check out well. Yesterday the electricity went off for an hour. Please pray this doesn’t happen as each lost hour really slows down the check.

Donna is still in California, enjoying a bit more time with the family and taking care of some matters there. We will meet in Manila next weekend.

Reaching Palawanos with you,

-Bill and Donna

Bill and Donna on Facebook

Waiting for Myri

We were able to complete the comprehension checking of nearly all the books we had ready in early March. We will finish the rest in of Romans in May, meaning we’ll have all of Romans, Galatians, 1-2 Timothy and 1 John all ready for the final consultant check in late June or early July!

After the checking, we packed up and flew to California for the birth of our granddaughter, due on March 20.

We’ve enjoyed see our daughters and sons-in-law and our grandson Max and are looking forward to getting to spend time with friends, family and supporters while here for this quick trip Stateside.

As of tomorrow (Thursday March 17) we will be offline for a day (or two?) while we update our computers. We can be reached our temporary cell phone number in the meantime


  • healthy final week(s) for Elisa and the baby
  • a safe delivery
  • a fruitful time with those we see here
  • Max’s adjustment to us caring for him
  • Max’s adjustment new sister

Reaching Palawanos with you,

-Bill and Donna

Bill and Donna on Facebook

2010 becomes 2011

2010 is nearly over and it has been a most eventful year for us.

FAMILY… Our family was blessed with two additions and happy celebrations. Our first grandchild, Max, was born on February 2, and we were able to be there for that special event. Then, in September we were back in San Diego for the wedding of our youngest, Bethy, as she and Ricky Cobabe started their new life together.

TRANSLATION… We are very thankful for encouraging progress in the Palawano Translation. This year we completed the translation and final checking of the book of Luke (a long book: 15% of New Testament!) and we finished the first draft and early revision of more than ten additional NT books totaling another 22%. On top of that, we took several of those books through the next few steps in the procedure.

MINISTRY… Our first-ever trip to Singapore, courtesy of NTM Singapore, was an adventure and the fulfillment of a dream we’ve had since 1987, after a short-term team of Singaporeans came to our Palawano village. We were blessed to be involved in a camp challenging young Singaporeans to take the gospel to unreached people in Asia.

CRAZY STUFF… It was stressful and difficult, but God saw us through having to evacuate our house and deal with the lingering health hazards of termite poison. We’re glad to be settled in and back to work.

We want to thank God for all he has done in 2010 and express our appreciation to you who have prayed and been a part!

2011 will provide another welcome addition to our family–Max’s little sister! Elisa and Chris are expecting our first granddaughter in March. We’re praying for God to provide a way for us to be there for that.

We are laying out the plans for continued translation and some final checks to get additional portions of the Word of God into the Palawano language as we move closer to our goal of the completed New Testament.


  • praise for amazing blessings in 2010!
  • continued progress in translation
  • health, strength and wisdom
  • provision for travel to be there for our granddaughter’s birth

Thanks for praying and standing with us in this ministry.

Reaching Palawanos together with you,

-Bill and Donna

Bill and Donna on Facebook

Smells Like… Termite Poison

This week, as usual we are focusing on many things we have to be thankful for. During this stressful time of being moved out of our house, we are particularly thankful for a nice guest house where we can stay, helpful friends, God’s many provisions and blessings, and especially all of you who are praying and sending us encouraging words.

Here’s an update.

The work is done at the house, but it still smells like termite poison. A little less than yesterday, though. So it’ll be after Thanksgiving (at the earliest) before we can move back in. We’re hoping that in a few more days the smell will be gone.

A big problem is our access road. It’s an unpaved dirt lane, and it’s the only way for us to get to the street or from the street to our house. The construction crews have totally trashed it recently with heavy equipment, softening the road and creating big holes. It’s WORSE than when we left the house. So far their answer has been to pile a foot-thick layer of soft dirt on it! It’s already a mess and there is a risk of our vehicle getting stuck. With another hard rain like we’ve been having nearly every day, it will be totally impassable. We’ve talked to our landlord and she will complain to the engineers overseeing the construction again.

Culture note: Not only is it the landlord’s responsibility, but it’s the Filipino way to file a complaint indirectly through an intermediary. It might cause shame or seem overly confrontational if either of us spoke to the crews directly.

What would really fix the problem is for them to scrape it back down to the hard undersurface and to spread crushed rock on it. Please pray that they will do this, and respond without taking offense, so that neighborly relationships can be maintained. We can’t really move back home very easily until the road is fixed.

Just to keep us flexible and to show his sense of humor, the Lord allowed the bathroom plumbing in our guest home room to disintegrate last night, so we had to pack up and move to another room this morning, including all our translation set-up, food in the cabinets, a full fridge, etc. Thanks to our partner who tried so hard to fix it without us having to move!

Yes, we’re still smiling (in between sighs), but pray for us. We’re feeling a little borderline overwhelmed here.


  • termite poison smell to dissipate quickly
  • for our road to be fixed without incident
  • that we can move back into our house soon
  • rescheduling of Susing’s translation work sessions
  • good progress on translation while we are out of our home

Thanks for praying!

Reaching Palawanos together with you (just from a different location this week),

-Bill and Donna

Bill and Donna on Facebook