Clinic Crisis!

Some men are creating trouble by threatening our clinic health workers. We’ve shut the clinic down and have called for the local government officials to come in and help us resolve the problem. Pray for wisdom, for God to protect us and others from violent men, and for God to work in hearts here.

Some background… we have a small clinic here in the tribe which we and our partners have set up. The nearest government health clinic is very far away and even the closet place to buy medicine is hours away. Plus prices there are quite high. So we have done limited medical work over the years. But now we have Palawano health workers which we trained running the clinic and we are not directly involved unless they need a “second opinion.” We buy the medicines from generic suppliers in Manila and from an NGO in Germany. So, the prices are very low, and affordable for the Palawanos. The clinic workers get a small wage for their time, and they take turns, the clinic being open 2-5 pm Mon-Sat. It’s very special to us that one of the faithful clinic workers is Nili, who was our daughter Elisa’s good friend growing up from the time they were 4 years old. She calls us “aunt and uncle” and in many ways is like a daughter to us.
It’s a big help to the community, but it’s not a business. It doesn’t make any money. In fact, we consistently take a loss, intentionally, in order to keep the prices down. 
To make this work, we also have a policy of “no credit,” since in the past, people would not remember to repay the clinic and the debt mounted up once to nearly $500! We have told everyone, that if they need medicine, to borrow money from friends or relatives, but not from the clinic. And there’s always grace in the case of emergencies; they just need to come to us. We also have a sign posted that the clinic is “not a drugstore.” That is, people cannot just walk up and say, “Give me two tablets of penicillin.” The clinic health workers will be the ones to decide what medicine is needed. And they will always prescribe a full treatment.
In recent years a number of non-Palawanos have moved into the area. We don’t discriminate, and allow them to buy medicine at the clinic at the same prices as the Palawanos.
Some problems have been building and in the last week, it reached a crisis. Some of these non-Palawano men have been creating trouble at the clinic. Most of these people are quite nice, but there are a few of what Luke called “idlers in the marketplace.” They are unemployed, alcoholic and usually up to no good. Sadly, one of these men is the husband of our local school teacher!
Anyway, these men have been demanding that the clinic be open “whenever they want.” They want to be able to buy whatever medicine they request and resent having to allow the clinic workers to make a diagnosis and tell them what they need, and what dosage. They have yelled at the clinic workers, especially the female worker, Nili. They get angry when the clinic cannot make change for their large bill. They get abusive when the clinic workers hold to the policy of “no credit” even for non-essential medicines. They’ve made threats to “tear the clinic down and take the medicine.” One man has pulled out his machete and waving it threateningly at Nili. He chopped the side of the clinic to make his point (and hit a nail, chipping his blade, ha ha.)
But seriously, we cannot allow people to treat our clinic workers in this way. Nili is afraid to go to work. So we have shut the clinic down for a few days to support her and to give time to deal with the issue. First, we had Arturo go and speak with the troublemakers to see if he could reason with them. This way the problem could be solved without making a public scene. But they only became more angry and abusive and made threats. So the Palawanos have called for the “barangay captain” (like the head of the city council… the lowest level of Philippine local government) to come in and hold a hearing.
Please pray for wisdom for the captain (Jalil) and for the other men who will hear the case. Pray that the truth would come out and that tempers would not flare up, especially those on the clinic’s side, so that it will be clear that the anger and wrong behavior is all on the part of the troublemakers. Pray that some decision will be reached which will allow the clinic to reopen safely. Pray that these men will not do something rash, causing injury or damage to property here in the community.
And pray most of all that God will be glorified in this situation and use it to draw people… Palawanos, and yes, even these troublemakers… to himself.
Reaching Palawanos together with you,
-Bill and Donna

Healing in the Church?


Just a quick update. Thanks to all who have prayed for the situation in the church here. Two family groups have been “on the outs” because they are on opposite sides of a failed marriage. Some individuals haven’t been to church in months. Some will come, but only if they are certain that members of the other families won’t be there!
This morning we saw another increase in attendance. Over 60 people. This is encouraging in itself. But we also had a number of those “offended parties” in church… all at the same time! Lin Lin, the wife in the failed marriage, was also there. She’s been living in town to avoid the gossip and hard feelings. So we might have expected some of her husband’s family to avoid church, but they were there, including her ex husband’s brother and sister, who are among those who had been absent for so long.
Donna noticed that some tears were shed (sobs, actually) during the worship and singing time. During our “welcome song,” there were a number of warm greetings. Lin Lin made a point of going around and shaking the hands of every single person, including her ex husband’s brother and sister.
Please keep praying with us that God will continue to work in hearts. Pray that he will bring forgiveness, peace, joy and warm loving fellowship between all his children here who are hurting or nursing bitterness.
Thanks again for partnering with us in Reaching the Palawanos!

Update and Coming to USA!


We’ve seen an encouraging increase in church attendance here in the last several weeks. This morning we have 50 in church, which is nearly double what we had a couple weeks ago. We pray this trend continues! Numbers aren’t the main thing, but the more people who come and sit under the teaching of God’s Word, the better! Plus, we’re hoping that some of the inter-family problems we’ve seen here are slowly being resolved.

Translation continues… Ephesians is now pretty much done and ready to be sent to the translation consultant so she can prepare to check it. We’ll have her come and check several books at once in early 2009. Meanwhile, we’re drafting, revising and checking Luke and 1 Peter. We’re anxious to see these books completed and in the hands of the believers here!
We just had copies printed of the recently-completed book of Acts. The people here are excited to have this book in their possession, and in their language, for the first time ever! On Saturday mornings, Bill is teaching a Bible study, going through Acts verse-by-verse. This is mostly the for men who want to teach, and he’s handing out study notes for them. But others are welcome to sit in and so we’ve had older women, kids, teens and some men who are not teachers attending. Pray for much fruit from this study.
Pray with us as to work to see as much translation completed as possible by mid-October.

Pray with us as in mid-October we will be taking a break and heading to San Diego for a short home assignment. We’ll be visiting many supporters and churches, and spending the holidays with our kids before returning the Philippines in mid January.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone!
Praise the Lord we have a place to stay (our church’s missionary apartment) for a reasonable price. But we’d appreciate prayer for the other logistics and needs… a car to use while we’re home, provision for airfare and the other expenses of such a trip, including things we need to buy and bring back to the Philippines.
Thanks again for partnering with us in Reaching the Palawanos!

God Working in Susing

Hot news from here among the Palawanos…

It’s 90 degrees in the house today. Could it be that dry season has finally arrived? Although the heat saps us, we pray that there will be a time of heat and the dry winds necessary for the Palawanos to burn this year’s fields. So far it’s been raining often and even on sunny days there just isn’t the blazing intensity and wind needed.

In our last update, We asked prayer for some men who have previously played key roles in the church here, Susing and Tirso. We in the week following that, God seems to be working in Susing’s heart. True to the culture here, Bill hear indirectly (from Susing’s brother Abil, our main church leader and teacher), about the issues underlying Susing’s discouragement. Bill then sent some thoughts back to Susing via Abil (Biblical counseling within the cultural pattern of having a go-between whenever possible.) Bill basically shared that when Satan can’t get you to fall into sin, he may try to get you discouraged. Focused on the struggle to support a large family. Listening to the unjust criticism that always dogs a leaders steps. Getting tired of it all. But in translating Ephesians we see that God gives “gifted men” to the church. Not all are meant to be leaders or teachers. So those who have those gifts need to use them… and they will be targets.

It seems Susing took this to heart, and along with your prayers, God has encouraged him. He came to help Bill with translation with his old “sparkle” back. He was at church this morning. And he’s talking about wanting to be involved with teaching at the upcoming conference the end of this month.

We are pleased with really good progress in translating Ephesians. We’ve gone through the first five steps. Soon the first couple chapters will be tested for comprehension… to see how they communicate the intended meaning to a fresh audience.

Please continue to pray for Susing, and for Tirso, who continues to hang back, uninvolved in the things of the Lord as he was in times past. Pray for the translation of God’s Word and for our upcoming conference (April 25-27) when Bill and a number of the men will teach through Acts 1-6, heard for the very first time in Palawano! Pray for us for endurance (remember, it’s 90 degrees in the house!), for health and wisdom in this ministry.

Thanks for your part in Reaching Palawanos!

Busy With Translation

We are home in the tribe, and settled in again to our work here. Bill
is “cleaning up his Acts.” That is, all the issues that showed up
during the consultant check on the book of Acts need to be gone over
and re-worked. Some things he can do himself, and other items need
input and help from his translation committee of Palawano believers.
Then each change needs to be re-checked for comprehension, twice, with
two different individuals who haven't been involved in the process so
far. Bill is using Arnel, a young Christian man, and Nursalin, a young
mother. Arnel comes Fridays, Nursalin comes Wednesdays, and the
translation committee comes Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Bill has also drafted Ephesians, and is working through that at the
same time. The translation committee gives input into the draft. For
the next step, Donna takes what they have worked over, and reads it to
Rini, who then puts the meaning into her own words, which Donna
records. Bill then listens to those recordings to see what he can
glean in terms of more natural ways of expressing the meaning. Soon
we'll begin exegetical checking and testing for comprehension on this
book, as well.

And so the days go. Please pray for all these people involved in
helping us with this job. We depend on them! And for us, for daily
strength and wisdom.

We mentioned in previous updates that Bill might need a surgery for
his parathyroid gland. Further lab tests have ruled out the need for
that surgery. We are thankful for that news. Thanks for praying for us.

Right now our hearts are burdened for many needs among the people
here. Over the years, a number of key believers have been side-lined
from functioning in the church. There are many causes: quarrels among
themselves, distractions from the world, jealousy. We are praying that
the Holy Spirit would do a strong work among the Palawano believers
and bring them back into a vital relationship with Christ. We are
missing key members of the body here, and it isn't functioning as well
as it could. Would you please join us in praying for a revival among
the Palawanos? We would especially request prayer for Tirso and
Susing. Both men have great gifts God has used in the church here in
the past, but today neither one is plugged into the body. Tirso is
also a clan leader for an area called “Rora.” We would love to see
Rora come alive spiritually again.

Thank you for your part in Reaching Palawanos!

-Donna and Bill

Kidney Stones – Still

A follow-up with Bill's doctor revealed that the kidney stone which
was treated with shock wave blasts was not fully fragmented as it is a
very hard type of mineral.

So he will be having a second ESWL (blasting) procedure done on Jan
15. After that we can decide together with the doctor when we can
return to Palawan

Meanwhile, Bill is working on drafting Luke and other projects, and
Donna is continuing her work on Palawano language and other projects,
including a number of counseling interactions, while we are unable to
return home to the tribe.

Yours for Reaching Palawanos,

-Bill and Donna