Kidney Stones

While out in town we discovered that Bill had a stone in each kidney!
Praise God we learned this while we were in a place where we could
get medical attention. Our pilot is sick right now and unable to fly
so if the stone had caused an obstruction and we were in the tribe,
it would have been a real difficult emergency.

The stone on the right side was larger, so a procedure was done Dec 5
to break it into bits. That seems to have gone well.

Pending the full recovery from that, we will plan a second procedure
for the stone on the left side in the next month or so.

Meanwhile, Bill is working on drafting Luke, and Donna is continuing
her work on Palawano language and other projects while we are unable
to return home to the tribe.

Yours for Reaching Palawanos,

-Bill and Donna

Checking Translation


After weeks of frantic work and preparation the week of the translation check is here! Our consultant Ginny Sharp (partner Tim Sharp’s mom) is here to take us through this last step in the process of translating Acts.

The check will probably take close to a week (yep, 6 or more 8-hours days!) Acts is 1007 verses long and around 13% of the New Testament. That takes time.

The main prayer requests would be for…

ENDURANCE and clear thinking (for Bill, for Ginny and for Nili… the young Palawano woman who will work with us as we test the translation.)

WISDOM as we seek to confirm how well (and exactly what) the translation communicates, and as we hope to  discover any remaining problems needing to be fixed.

HEALTH for us all, Bill especially as last week he was hit hard with a terrible chest cold/flu. This week his asthma is acting up as an aftermath to the sickness. He’s begun the stronger “crisis” medicines, but God’s healing touch would be the best thing.

SAFETY and WEATHER as September is our rainiest month (last year: 30 inches!) Ginny and Nili are both on the other side of the river, so that means daily crossings for them. If the river floods too much, “getting to work” each day could be difficult.

God’s Word in Palawano. It’s happening… a verse, a chapter, a book at a time. Pray with us!

Translation Continues

Just a quick update here…
We have been working full blast on translating the book of Acts, in order to meet the deadline for our scheduled consultant check in mid-September.
There are good things happening in the church, with a couple of the men (Abil and Susing) taking more and more leadership there. They need lots of wisdom, boldness and encouragement from the Lord. They are facing many difficult issues (as pastoral ministry always involves.)
We’re grateful for the beginning of rainy season, which means that at least some of the time, the weather is a bit more bearable. May-June are the worst months as the peak of hot season meets the humidity of early rainy season (think: outdoor sauna.)
The implementation of new procedures and the incorporation of new helpers brought into the translation process has gone well. We’re hopeful for both the improved quality of the end product, as well as for a more rapid pace as we work toward the goal of completing the entire New Testament.
Also, in order to encourage literacy in the  Palawano language, we are participating in the Buwan ng Wika (“Language Month”) in the Philippines. This is sponsored by the government’s Commission on Philippine Languages. The director is a friend of Bill’s and shares his desire to see Palawanos (and other ethnic minorities) to be proud of their heritage and to retain their native language, even while becoming educated and advancing economically. So we have put the word out about a writing and oral poetry contest. Winners will receive cash prizes from the Commission in August, as well as t-shirts with Language Month theme imprinted in Palawano! Already there is good interest (and desire to win the prizes!) We’re enjoying reading the entries so far.
Thanks for your part in Reaching Palawanos for Christ!

Successful Language Conferences

Reaching the unreached of the world is a team effort, with many people using the unique and various gifts God has given them. This is the “body” principle, as described in 1 Corinthians, in action.

We just returned from several weeks in Thailand. While there, Bill fulfilled his responsibilities as the chairman of a conference focused on helping language learners and those who help language learning. He was also able to attend another workshop called the “Language Coach Workshop.”

One of the most vital keys to success in any missionary endeavor is the ability to communicate God’s truth clearly. So language learning (along with culture learning and adjustment… it’s a package deal) is extremely important.

The trouble is, of course, that learning another language to a high level of fluency is one of the most demanding tasks that can be undertaken. So learner need as much help as possible. This is where “coaches” (language consultants, teachers, tutors, school directors, etc.), along with those giving oversight to new missionaries, come in.

But it’s not easy to “coach” or help others learn a new language, either! So the workshops are to help those who must help others.

Praise the Lord we had a very profitable couple of weeks where language coaches, etc., from a wide range of evangelical organizations, could interact, discuss issues, ask questions, listen to presentations by others with more experience, and look at each other’s materials.

Bill has handed over the chairmanship of the next Asian conference to someone else, so we can continue to focus on the Palawano translation.

It was a good feeling to head home from these workshops knowing that literally hundreds of missionaries will be helped to learn to communicate God’s truth… learning more quickly, and communicating more effectively.

Translation in Progress

After a nice Christmas visit from Donna’s sister and family, we’re headed back to the tribe.

Bill will dive back into translation, which is now his full-time activity (much to his delight) at last!

He has set up a Translation Committee of about 6 or 7 Palawano men, all believers, most of whom are teachers in the church here. They range in ages from 26 to 45, so bring a variety of perspectives to the translation process.

The youngest man, Arnel, is the “youth pastor” in the church here. He was a member of our “Emmanuel” youth group in the village back in 2000, along with Arlyn, his wife-to-be at the time. He has a keen mind, a love for the Scriptures, and he gives good insight into how certain words and expression might (or might not!) be understood by the younger generation of Palawanos, as the language is changing.

The other men are older and help Bill to access a broad range of vocabulary. Bill is so thrilled to them all helping, quite a change from working with one 22 year-old guy back in the mid 80’s (although that young man, Arturo, is on the committee now, at age 45!) All the guys have a good grasp of what the Scriptures are trying to say and that is a help in discussing how to render that meaning in Palawano.

Many others will be used to check, revise and confirm comprehension of the translation… and they are ready to roll! Right now, Bill is working on Acts, Luke and Ephesians.

Donna will resume her role of helping with some of the translation process, while continuing her language study, which will enable her to have a more extensive role in a wide range of the steps involved in the translation process.

Please pray with us as we labor to see God’s Word translated and published for the Palawanos!

Email Offline

Email Down
Our email has been offline for a month now. Bill is in town for some other business and while there, he’s trying to get the problem fixed, but he has just one day now before he returns to the village. It’s hard to be without email now after having gotten used to it!

So if you don’t hear from us via email, and there are no current updates and blogs here on the site, that is the reason.

Write us via snail mail! We’d love to hear from you

Work on the House Almost Complete
We are thankful that the repairs and “anti-termite warfare” is almost finished. Donna is in full-time culture/language study and Bill is on the brink of resuming work on the translation.

We appreciate your partnership in Reaching Palawanos for Christ!