Checking Romans

“So, Arnel, what does it mean when Pablo says that we ‘died with Christ’ on the cross?”

Bill is back on Palawan working with Arnel (photo) and Joseph to finish checking how well Romans is understood. Paragraph by paragraph, phrase by phrase, we check comprehension of the passage. This the final step in our translation procedure.

When this checking is done, we will email Romans, Galatians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy and 1 John to the translation consultant so she can prepare for the final check in July.

We need stamina and sharpness of mind. We need wisdom. We want the book to check out well. Yesterday the electricity went off for an hour. Please pray this doesn’t happen as each lost hour really slows down the check.

Donna is still in California, enjoying a bit more time with the family and taking care of some matters there. We will meet in Manila next weekend.

Reaching Palawanos with you,

-Bill and Donna

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