Looking Back:
2014, the year we were finally able to give the Palawanos the gift of God’s Word, Matthew through Revelation, in their heart language.
The special season when we feast and give presents and celebrate God’s gift to us: his Son in a manger, bringing the promise of eternal salvation.
Taking the message of God’s gift to the nations who have not yet heard… 7,036 people groups still unreached.
As we look ahead to 2015 and beyond, we are excited about the privilege of having a part in seeing the news of this gift reached the unreached. We are thankful for each of you who pray and give and encourage us as we train non-Western missionaries how to communicate the gospel effectively to cultures who speak other languages.
Let’s work together to make 2015 a year when many more Unreached People Groups have new hope through hearing the story of Christmas, each in their Heart Language.
Wishing you a blessed Christmas and New Year,