Donna’s mom passed away Wednesday afternoon, passing peacefully in her sleep after two nights in the hospital hospice suite.
We are sad, and will miss her– mom, grandmother and mother-in-law. But we are thankful to the Lord for taking her home after a rapid and relatively painless decline. And we praise God that while we do grieve, we do not grieve “as those who have no hope.” Comforted by her obvious faith in the Lord Jesus, we know we will see her again.
The funeral is tentatively set for Tuesday April 25. Donna will remain in Iowa for another week or so before heading to San Diego, getting back to the Philippines about a week later.
Pray for Donna, her sister, our girls and the rest of the family during this time, and for Donna and I during these final weeks of separation.
Meanwhile, Bill is in the final days of the Bible Translation Workshop in Manila. This has been an enjoyable and profitable time… thanks for praying! He plans to return to Palawan at the end of the month, getting into our village in early May to finish repairs on our house before Donna’s return.
However, his asthma has been very severe while being in Manila. He saw a doctor who has resolved some issues (including medications canceling each other out!) has put him on a new, more aggressive treatment regimen, and is monitoring his condition.
Pray for Bill’s breathing to improve, and for wisdom in adjusting or following through with plans for returning to Palawan. The doctor has advised against his going to remote areas until the asthma is showing signs of improving.