The consultant check of Matthew and 2 Corinthians has been going very well. We are moving along at a good pace, and the material is checking out as being easily understood.
We’re even a bit ahead of schedule.
This means we were able to take Saturday off and let our brains rest before diving back into the check on Monday.
No electrical power outages so far. We’re thankful for that.
The only problem that has come up is that one of our Palawano translation helpers’ children got sick. Lini brought her one-year-old to Puerto with her. Her sister-in-law is watching him which Lini works with us in the office. You might recall that Lini was Elisa’s best friend in the village; we’ve known her since she was 3 years old, and she’s like a niece to us. Her little guy Elmer is the youngest of her four children. He’s 15 month’s old.
On Thursday Elmer’s temperature went up to 103.1 (39.5C) and he had all the symptoms of strep throat. We quickly got him treated and he already seems to be responding to the antibiotics.
So please pray for Elmer, and continue to pray for all other aspects of the check this coming week.
Ask the Lord for:
- Elmer to get well quickly
- Lini not to be distracted by Elmer’s illness
- good health for rest of us
- clear thinking and stamina
- NO power outages
- no unexpected interruptions
- the translation to communicate clearly
- anything that should be fixed to be discovered
Nearing the end… so much to be done!
Reaching Palawanos together with you,
-Bill and Donna
Bill and Donna on Facebook