Someone Old, Someone New


Giyang (c. 1984)


Giyang (2012)

As we are in Manila…

A text came from Giyang, Bill’s long-time friend and one of his translation helpers about meeting up for teaching on Palawan next week.

Bill had texted that he was glad to be seeing Giyang again:

“For sure, Cousin, me too, I’m truly happy. Cousin, I had thought that we would not see each other again until heaven, but surprisingly, we will see each other again while we’re still alive. I’m truly thankful.”

Curious about the original version? Sure you are!

“Asal, Egsa, sampay ako gasi, mesegya banar. Nebluan ko, Egsa, doot langit te mene megkita, temed pelahan, megkita te nega arew et biag te pe. Selamat banar.”

Thanks for praying…

Monday we head to Palawan to meet with about 30 believers and teach them from the Palawano translation. And we are asking God to help us deal with the error and confusion in the church.

Thanks for being part of our team!

-Bill and Donna

Because Everyone Deserves to Hear in Their Heart Language