Palawano Church Leaders Seminar 2016
TEN PALAWANOS… What a joy! We just spent three days teaching ten Palawanos who are eager to grow in God’s Word, to lead and to have an impact in the church down south. They endured several hours of hiking through the forest and a six-hour, bumpy, rough-road ride squished in a van to come to Puerto Princesa for the seminar.
THREE DAYS… Bill taught through the book of Galatians, emphasizing the true Gospel of grace and addressing the dangers of legalism. To counter the recent false accusations about the accuracy of their Palawano New Testament, he gave an overview of the history of the Bible and Bible translations, and a quick “Intro to Bible Translation,” affirming the careful procedures we followed for nearly 30 years in transferring the message of God’s Word into Palawano. Hearts were touched by passages in Ephesians about the need for oneness in the church. We had a sweet one-on-one counseling and prayer time with one young woman who was especially discouraged, and a few meetings with individual leaders to encourage them in the task of restoring unity.
ONENESS IN THE CHURCH… Everyone was blessed and went home committed to healing hurts and reuniting the church with God’s help. Thanks for praying!
Please continue to pray for restored unity in the Palawano church!

Bill teaching Galatians to the group
Special thanks to a generous friend who paid for our tickets, and the generous gift of our church in Manila for making this seminar possible!