Thanks to all who prayed. We believe God heard your prayers and answered in an unexpected way.
We were packed and ready. Our Uber to the airport was booked for 3:30 a.m.
But Bill had a cough and other chest cold symptoms all through the night. It was worse in the morning.
Then it was 3 a.m. and down to the wire.
We realized that not only would no one want to sit next to “that guy with the cough and sniffles,” but the airlines would never let us on board unless we lied. We could not truthfully say, “Nope, no COVID symptoms for the last few days.”
So we cancelled the Uber.
We cancelled the airline tickets, and wrote some quick emails to Africa.
It was so hard to push those buttons and cancel! There would be no going back after that. No way to change our minds. But it was the right thing to do, even if we didn’t understand God’s will. So we prayed and clicked those two icons.
“…you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things.”
Ecc 11:5b NLT
We’re thankful that so far, Bill isn’t critically ill, although he fells pretty yucky and the flight-cancelling symptoms remain. He slept all day. We’ve booked tests for tomorrow to determine if he has COVID or just a cold. We’ll keep you posted.
Keep on Praying
So please continue to pray. Pray for a quick return to health. Pray for us as this is disappointing, and we hate to let people down. Pray for wisdom for the workshop organizers in Africa as to how to adjust to Bill’s last-minute cancellation.
Thanks for standing with us.