Talking is Important.
Missionaries need to talk… fluently! They have an important message to communicate. And it takes years of hard work to gain that fluency.
That’s why Bill and his team are developing the updated Engage culture/language acquisition (CLA) how-to materials, and the Stages CLA app. We want to make the task easier by providing tools for missionary language learners and those who help them.
COVID Hasn’t Stopped the Talking
Recently Bill attended an online conference for those from many mission agencies who train or coach missionaries in the area of language and culture acquisition. ICLL (the International Congress on Language Learning) is usually held face-to-face. But COVID-19 didn’t prevent everyone from coming together virtually to learn from one another!
Over 280 people attended the conference. The attendees from our mission alone represented 8 different nationalities, and they minister in 22 countries. Many of them are training missionaries to reach even more countries where Unreached People Groups are waiting to hear the Gospel.
In a virtual break-out discussion room, Bill was also able to tell several other mission agencies about Engage and Stages, and there was a tremendous amount of interest.
Bill has been Talking (a lot)
In the weeks since ICLL, Bill has interacted with so many people as part of his consultant ministry.
We’d like to tell you about some of those conversations.
Bill has been communicating…
…with a German ministering in South America who helps missionary language learners.
…with an Australian who wants to keep her mission informed about the upcoming release of Engage and Stages.
…with a Brazilian who asked Bill for help and resources so his team can train their Brazilian missionaries to use Engage and Stages to reach the unreached tribes of Brazil.
…with our friends in South Asia, talking about how to help them use the Stages app as they train local workers to reach the unreached there.
…with the American computer programmers who are adding exciting new features to Stages even as you read this update.
…with some Americans in Papua New Guinea who are testing out an early release of the Stages app in order to give our team vital feedback.
…with a South African who is overseeing the training of African missionaries who come from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Tanzania. He wants to be kept updated and to have Bill’s team provide help so those African missionaries can use Engage and Stages to reach the unreached peoples in Africa.
…with a Canadian in Ontario, and some Americans in Missouri. We’re planning to provide a week of training for them as they prepare to launch teaching Engage and Stages in their respective missionary training programs next semester.
This coming week, Bill will host two online video conferences to debrief our 40+ ICLL attendees to discuss how to apply what they learned in the online sessions.
We’re excited to have a part in providing help and tools for missionaries, for those who train them, and for the language coaches who enable them to succeed.
Jesus Told Us to Talk
All this is to enable more missionaries to…
…talk. To communicate clearly.
To “Go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.”
Talk isn’t cheap. It can mean a lot of hard work. But when the Gospel is what you want to talk about, it’s worth every effort.