Yes, we are still working on Luke. But since it’s the third largest book in the New Testament, weighing in a 1,150 verses, it is no quick-and-easy task! But we thank the Lord we are making good progress and moving steadily toward the goal of finishing the book.
We have four Palawano men coming up today for a week of translation work. Bill will be getting the men to help him in reviewing and revising large sections of Luke which he recently drafted. Donna will be working with one of the men doing the recording (“oral drafting”) step of material Bill and the men revised last time. This oral drafting step is very important to getting natural language and flow in the translation.
Please pray for health, strength and mental energy, for us and the men. This can be very tiring work and of course we have an enemy who hates to see progress made in translating God’s Word!
We hope to finish some really large sections of the book this week, so pray for steady, as well as fruitful, progress. Specifically, pray that we will find the perfect renderings of various concepts, that the oral drafting will produce long smoothly-spoken sections, and that the themes and “main points” of each passage will come through clearly so God’s message impacts the future readers as He intends it to.
Please continue to pray for those who were affected by the flooding.
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