Update on Lini – Need Met

Need Met!

Thank you all so much for praying. And a heartfelt thank-you to all who generously (and quickly) gave gifts for LIni’s expenses. You’ve blown us away! To God be much glory for his provision.

Based on the gifts that have shown up on our account and other gifts donors mentioned to us, we have met and exceeded the goal. So unless God really leads, there is no need for any more gifts. Wow. This is based on the assumption that the all gifts mentioned to us will come through after fixing the issues created by adding “for Lini” to the instructions.

And, if expenses turn out to be more than anticipated, we have several donors who have offered to make up the difference. Again, thanks fo God for everyone’s gracious and generous response.

Update on Surgery

I’ll write more details later (parts of the story are interesting!) but for now, so I can get this message out quickly:

Lini was taken to Brookes Point Palawan by her husband, daughter and nephew.

I’m not sure yet which hospital she was taken to. We’re hoping it was the better of the two options there.

She was admitted and was scheduled to have her surgery at midnight PST (late Tues night/early Wed morning our time).

We have no news yet as to how it went.


Again, thanks for praying—please continue!