Waiting for Printing

Bill Donna Davis
June 2013 Update

The translation is done! And the audio recording is completed. So now we are waiting for the Palawano New Testaments to be printed in Manila. Once the books are printed, we’ll be taking a trip or two to the Philippines to check the books for quality, to host dedication services, and to launch distribution.

We won’t know the dates for that until we hear from the printers. So please pray and stay tuned.

We’re enjoying this time with our kids, grandkids, family, friends and supporters. God is refreshing us after the intense final months of translation and recording.

In May, we were blessed to host Gracia Burnham here in San Diego. She spoke in our church and at a missions training program called Radius in Tijuana. We also showed her around beautiful San Diego: La Jolla, Mount Soledad, and the famous Hotel Del Coronado.

Not long after Gracia’s visit, Bill was invited to spend a couple days at Radius, speaking to their students about language learning. We were excited to have even a small part in training these young people who are headed out into the unreached areas of the world to share Christ!

We’ve also had opportunities to teach Bible studies and to share at missions conferences and visit some of our supporting churches. Coming up in October, Bill will be helping to lead an inter-mission language learning conference in Colorado.

On a personal note, spending time with our daughters, and getting to know our two delightful grandchildren and being a part of their lives has been the highlight of these past couple months.

 Refreshment and good health
– Opportunities to share about this ministry
 Reconnection with supporters & friends
– Prompt, accurate printing of Palawano NT
– Provision for Oct travel & workshop costs

We appreciate everyone’s prayers, support and encouragement as we anticipate the printing of the Palawano New Testament!

Reaching Palawanos with you,

– Bill and Donna Bill and Donna Davis